The Beggar King by Oliver Potzsch
Like it's predecessors The Hangman's Daughter and The Dark Monk, this book is named after a minor character. If nothing else, the mysteries to solve in these books are their saving grace.
In this one, Jakob Kuisl, the Schongau hangman, is summoned by his sick sister to Regensburg. He goes to tend to her, and finds that she and her husband have been murdered. If that isn't enough, Jakob is framed for the murder. In the meantime, Jakob's daughter, Magdalena, and her beau, Simon, runoff to Regensburg so that they can be together, as their social standings would keep them apart in Schongau. Magdalena hears of her father's plight, and tries to clear his name. They get caught up in a vile political scandal.
There's really much more to this, but I fear that if I write more, I'll give it away.
Of the three, this was the best so far. Will I read others as they come out? Probably. I'm a glutton for punishment that way. :)
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