Saturday, July 27, 2013

Summer Book #12

Nevermore by James Patterson

This is the final book in the Maximum Ride series. Typically, it is up to Max to save the world.  This time is no different really, except that she doesn't have to do it until the very end. Most of this book has to do with Max examining her feelings about the men in her life.

First, there is Fang. She's known him forever, and they do everything together. The problem is, everything became too much for Fang, and he left the Flock a couple of books ago to try to figure things out. Then, there's Dylan. He was genetically created to be Max's perfect mate. Everything he does is for her.

Sadly, what this book boiled down to was who should Max choose? She makes her choice and I won't ruin it for you.

In a way, I am glad to see this series come to an end. Really, how many times and in how many ways is Max supposed to save the world? The whole premise has gotten old. Plus, the last couple of books have seemed to push the liberal agenda: global warming, overpopulation is going to cause the end of the world, etc. I don't buy into that stuff, and reading it really irritated me.

On the other hand, I will miss Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, Angel and Total. I have come to know and love them over the course of this series, and it will be sad to miss out on their adult lives.

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