Sanctum by Madeleine Roux
Sequel to Asylum that I read a couple of months ago.
Seldom does one expect the sequel to be better than the first book in a series, but this was the better book. The pictures were super creepy too. I was a bit disappointed that the freak show element mentioned in the blurb didn't have a bigger part in the book.
Dan and his friends Abby and Jordan return to the university associated with Brookline asylum because they are all haunted in their own way by the place. This is spurred on by Dan's former roommate, who is in a mental facility because he may be possessed by a serial killer.
Once back at the scene of the action, crazy, creepy things happen to the trio, including witnessing a lobotomy.
Couldn't put this one down, even after some asshat scared the bejeezus out of me by ringing my doorbell.
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