Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tragic Family Drama

Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

"Lydia is dead. But they don't know this yet." How can you not want to read a book that starts out this way? When I saw this in the blurb on the back, in the Target in San Marcos, Texas, I knew this was going on my summer reading list. I managed to hold off buying it for a week, and then read it BEFORE a book I have been waiting for since March. Why? Because I was intrigued. I have no complaints whatsoever with this book. It was a fairly quick read, and there was the perfect mix of description and dialogue, so it kept me interested.

As the first line states, Lydia is dead, just days after her sixteenth birthday, having drowned in the "lake" near her house. Is it a homicide? A suicide? No one knows. While we do find out the answer to that question, that's not what this book is about. It's not a mystery to solve. Instead, we see what led up to this tragedy. We see how Lydia's siblings felt about Lydia being the center of her parents' world. We see how her parents met, and how tough things were because one was Chinese and the other a blond blue eyed American.

There were reasons for what happened to Lydia, and in reading these stories, you understand. I can't recommend this book enough.

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