There Will Be Lies by Nick Lake
I'll be honest, for the first half of this book, I had to force myself to read this. It was frustrating because the synopsis/blurb thing made it sound so promising, so good. And once I hit the halfway mark, it was.
Shelby is almost eighteen. She lives with her mother, is homeschooled, enjoys batting, and having ice cream for dinner on Fridays. One Friday, she is hit by a car, and her life is turned upside down. She goes on a road trip with her mother, but it is not the fun kind of road trip. No, this is one where they are running from Shelby's father because he is abusive. Or are they?
Additionally, we follow Shelby as she goes to the Dreaming, an alternate universe, if you will, that has to do with Native American lore. Until the end, I was bored out of my mind reading these parts, which is part of why this book was hard for me to work through.
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