Thursday, April 26, 2018

Not My Forte, But I Loved This

If I Weren't Me by hal evans

I had the pleasure of meeting hal last year when he and his wife came to my school to help the English I team introduce our classes to Shakespeare. He has an interesting way of looking at the Bard and uses a bit of theatrics, which was perfect for helping us get our students interested in Shakespeare. The four days on campus with him were awesome, and we, the teachers, learned a lot too.

So, when I found out hal had a book published, I knew I would have to have it.

It's no secret that I am not a fan of poetry in general. There are a few poems and poets that I like, but most of it does nothing for me. What I love about this book is that it is easy to understand, and is accessible to everyone. It is written along the lines of Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky, so it would be easy to integrate into my lessons for my students. Also, at the end of the book, it lists the types of poems used, so if teachers needed examples, they're here.

I have already decided that this will be used in my classes next year.

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