Athletic Shorts by Chris Crutcher
February 1 was World Read Aloud Day. As a librarian wannabe, I felt it was my duty to participate. I learned earlier in the week that this was supposed to promote picture books, which I was not averse to, but I didn't want to have to find a million picture books to read to my high school students. So, I did a little research and discovered that it didn't necessarily have to be picture books. Thank goodness for that because I just might have gone nuts.
Since I could pretty much read what I wanted to, I thought it might be best to go with some short stories because I wouldn't be able to get through a whole book with each class. I chose this one because Chris Crutcher is an awesome author, and I happened to have this on the shelf of my classroom library. It turned out to be perfect because this is a compilation of six short stories, and I teach six classes. As I told my students, each class would have their own unique experience.
This is a set that did not disappoint! From reading about Anges with my first period class and being grossed out with licking perspiration soaked fingers, to the stories of Johnny and Petey in second and fourth periods, the heartbreak of Lion in fifth, racism and laughing too hard in sixth with the Telephone man, and learning not to be a bigot in seventh, it was a great day of reading to my kids.
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