Friday, May 24, 2019

It's Been a While

Period 8 by Chris Crutcher

I got it in my head that it would be fun to read to each of my six classes. It was. What was different is that I read six different books, all by the same author. I'd read three of the six before, but the other three were new to me. This is the book I read to my 5th period on level/co-teach class.

As is the norm with Crutcher's books, this takes place in the Pacific Northwest/Idaho/Montana area. It starts off in a hotel room with a woman buttoning up her blouse, so you know this is kinda sketchy to start with in a high school classroom. Thankfully, it did not dwell on that too much. Instead, we hear that a young man cheated on his girlfriend and they break up. We see that an "upstanding" young man tries to swoop in and take that girlfriend for his own. We learn about a girl who is referred to as the Virgin Mary fall from grace, and corrupt policemen. This book was a wild ride full of bad language an not so comfortable situations, but my kids liked it. I would absolutely read it again to my classes.

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