Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Avoid the Popular Girls

The Merciless by Danielle Vega

Another book I purchased last week for $5.50. I figured if it was good, it was a steal; if it was bad, it didn't break the bank. It wasn't bad.

Sofia is new in school. She's an Army brat, so she moves around a lot. Because she moves around a lot, she doesn't have many friends. On her first day, she meets Brooklyn and Charlie in the lunch line. She likes them immediately. Shortly after that, she meets Riley, a popular girl, who lets Sofia into her circle. Alexis and Grace are part of that circle.

Riley, Alexis, and Grace try to convince Sofia that Brooklyn is evil, and Sofia can't see it. She does agree to try to find out what it was that made Brooklyn change, however. One night, Sofia goes to a party at Brooklyn's, and sees Brooklyn hooking up with Riley's boyfriend. Sofia thinks she is doing the right thing by telling Riley what a skeeze her boyfriend is, and Riley says that it's Brooklyn's fault and that they need to help Brooklyn to change her ways.

That in no way prepares Sofia for what Riley has in mind. Riley truly believes that Brooklyn is possessed by evil, and decides that she and her friends need to exorcise her. Let's just say that this "exorcism" gets way out of hand.

Some of the details are a bit graphic, but I found I couldn't put this down. I HAD to know what happened next. This is also another quick read. I did it in less than five hours. I liked it well enough that I will read the sequel that is out now, and the prequel that comes out this summer.

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