Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Book That Ties With 2015

James Patterson Bookshots: $10,000,000 Marriage Proposal

Ok. This is stupid, but I couldn't imagine reading fewer books in 2016 than I did in 2015. So, even though I started a book in the wee hours of this morning, I decided to pick up and read a couple of short ones so I'd have one book more for 2016. It's all about growth, right?

Anyway, these book shots are kinda cool. This is the second one I have read, and they can be knocked out in about an hour. Perfect for meeting your year end reading goals when you fall short. Ha.

This one is about a guy who puts up a billboard in Los Angeles, offering $10,000,000 to have a woman marry him. Sketchy, no? Anyway, this follows three women who answer the billboard. Suze, who is gorgeous and super successful. Janey, who is chronically late for everything, who just lost her job. And Caroline, who works with kids to keep them out of jail, and lives with her mother.

These three women go on a series of interviews with people who aren't the mystery man to determine if they are the perfect match for him.

Yes, he does choose someone. Yes, it is one of these three. To find out which one, read the bookshot.

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