The Picture of Dulce Garcia by Alana Albertson
This came in one of my Lit-Cubes, but I don't remember which one anymore. This is a modern retelling of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Grey, which I have never read. I actually started this earlier in the summer, then got caught up in other things. No harm, no foul. This was a quick read.
Dulce is a sixteen-year-old actress in Marin, California. She plays a witch on a tv show. While shooting an episode, Dulce somehow manages to curse herself. She becomes flawlessly beautiful. At the same time, she meets Dorian Grey, who claims to be the real-life inspiration for Wilde's book. Dulce falls for him, but is also in love with her co-star, Sebastian.
This curse has changed aspects of Dulce's personality, and people are noticing. It all causes her to run off with Dorian. Then she discovers that he is sketchy as hell. She ultimately has to determine to live as she is now, or risk her life to break the curse.
I only finished this because I started it. And I paid for it. This was not the best thing I have read. In fact, it's kind of shallow. The characters are blah, and I feel so much more could have been done with it. Nevertheless, I will put it in my classroom, where someone will probably love it.
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