Monday, August 13, 2018

Summer Book 24

Puddin' by Julie Murphy

When I heard this was coming out, I couldn't wait to read it. Then I forgot about it. So, a few weeks ago, when I was up insanely late and saw this on my public library's Overdrive page, I put it on hold. I've enjoyed a couple of this author's other books, one being Dumplin', which this is a "sequel" of.

Told in two perspectives, Millie and Callie. Millie is overweight. Her mother is also overweight, and seems to think dieting is a way of life, even though they don't work. She sends Millie to fat camp every summer, but Millie vows she won't go this year because she plans to go to UT journalism camp, if she can get in. In her spare time, Millie works at her uncle's gym.

Callie is on her high school drill team, which happens to be the only team at that high school worth a darn, but all the money goes to football. When Callie and her friends discover that one of their sponsors pulled their funding, they decide to vandalize the company. This goes too far, and Millie is who recognizes Callie in the surveillance video causing the damage.

Callie is kicked off the drill team, which just about kills her, and thinks it was one of her fellow dancers who turns her in. To make restitution to the gym, Callie works there for free. It is at the gym that Callie and Millie become friends. They are unlikely friends: the fat girl and the popular girl. This book is about their ups and downs.

This was a pretty good read, and a quick read. Highly recommended, particularly if you like this author's other works.

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