Wednesday, April 3, 2019

More French Things

In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais

If it wasn't already obvious, my love affair with all things French is in full swing these days. Between going to Paris for the first time this past November and going back in a few short months, I keep finding myself drawn to books taking place in the City of Lights. This one looked like it was going to be a perfect fit.

I bought this back in January. It was on the young adult shelf at Target, so I thought I would be able to put this one on my classroom shelf when I was done. That last point, I am still pondering, by the way. It sounded like it was going to be right up my alley, but I guess it just wasn't because I kept putting it down to read other things.

A couple of things you should know up front... this is translated from French and it is written in free verse. Due to these things, I have to wonder if something is/was lost in the translation. It wasn't horrible, but it certainly wasn't a must read.

This is the story of Tatiana and Eugene. They knew each other in their teens. Tatiana had a thing for Eugene, but the feelings weren't mutual. Ten years later (when this book begins, actually) they run into each other on a train, and Eugene starts to see what he missed out on. He finds himself infatuated with her, in fact, and must see her again.

Tatiana, on the other hand, is somewhat more cautious. She remembers how things ended when they were young, but is willing to spend some time with Eugene. Just as things are starting to pick up, we find out that Tatiana is leaving in a matter of days to begin a new life in San Francisco. Will Eugene have a chance with Tatiana after all this time? Will she throw away her dreams and stay in Paris? Read to find out.