Saturday, February 27, 2016

Alas Poor Yoric

Srsly Hamlet by William Shakespeare and Courtney Carbone

In the vein of YOLO Juliet, it is a classic Shakespeare tragedy told in text lingo and emojis. It was ok. I mean it is the story of Hamlet, but without all the beautiful language. If you need to know the plot, this would be ok. If you read this because you think you can get by on a test with this text, you may be sadly mistaken. If you want a quick read to learn a little bit to get the gist, this is for you. I was disappointed that they left out "Alas Poor Yoric, I knew him well."

Monday, February 22, 2016


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah Maas

It was in the cards for me to read this one. My librarian recommended it. Then I saw it was compared to Game of Thrones. After that, it was either free or nearly free for my Kindle. It was meant to be.

Feyre and her family used to be wealthy. Then they lost their money, and their father became disabled. Her older sisters we "too good" to work or hunt, and before her mother died, she made Feyre promise to take care of them all. One day, Feyre was out hunting and happened upon a doe. This would provide several days of meals, and she could sell the skin for cash. Too bad there was a wolf trying to get the doe. So, Feyre kills the wolf, skins it, and takes the doe with her. Things look good for a little while.

Then, Feyre finds out that she killed a fairy. Oops! In doing so, she has broken the treaty. In exchange for the fairy life she took, Feyre must live out her days in the fairy land. All kinds of diabolical characters come out of the woodwork to try to do her harm. After a while, Feyre and her captor, Tamlin, fall in love, which makes things more dangerous for Feyre. So, Tamlin sends her back to the human lands and her family.

Ultimately, Feyre discovers that things for Tamlin are worse than when she left, so she goes back to the fairy lands to try to fix things. She ends up in the hands of a sadistic, mentally unstable fairy, and must prove her love for Tamlin in order for them both to be set free.

Admittedly, it starts a little slow, but once you hit the halfway point, it picks up, and you won't want to put it down.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Wienies are the Best!

Adventures of the Wiener Dog Extraordinaire, Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund by Ryan Beauchesne

I first discovered Crusoe a few years ago on Facebook, and fell in love with the little guy. I love dachshunds and have had four amazing ones in my life thus far. So, reading about Crusoe's adventures online and seeing him in his costumes meant I was hooked in no time. When I saw that he had a book coming out, I knew I had to have it.

This is more of a coffee table book. Its primary purpose is to look at Crusoe and his brother, Oakley, in their cute getups while on their adventures. What's nice is that there are stories that go with the pictures that are narrated by Crusoe himself. I'm telling you-this is THE book to own.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Road Trippin'

Let's Get Lost by Adi Alsaid

This is billed as being the next Paper Towns. I wouldn't quite go that far, but this was an endearing story.

Hudson, Bree, Elliott, and Sonia. Four teenagers in four parts of the United States who have nothing in common except for Leila. Leila is on her way "north," specifically to see the Northern Lights. The reason she gives each of her new friends varies, but you do find out her story by the end of the book.

This is in five sections-one for each person Leila spends time with and herself. The stories are as varied as the locations where they take place. I found myself unable to put this one down.