Thursday, December 17, 2020

Poems That Hit A Little Too Close Sometimes

 home body by rupi kaur

As in the style of her previous books, Ms. Kaur has written and illustrated her own works. She talks of pain, of healing, of feminism, but mostly of being content in your own skin.

Just like in her previous books of poetry, there were poems that hit a little too close to home, and I think that is why I like them. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we are not alone, and that's what Ms. Kaur's work does for me. 

Not gonna lie though... I bought this as a stocking stuffer for my daughter and very carefully read it so it still looks new. Lol.

Christmas Couple Across the Pond

 Mind the Gap, Dash and Lily by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

They did it again! Dash and Lily are one of my very favorite couples to read about, and I always finish the books hoping there will be another one.

In this installment, Dash is in England, attending Oxford, while Lily is still in New York, running her pet business. It's Christmas time and Dash isn't coming home for the holidays, so Lily decides to surprise Dash in London. 

Dash doesn't know if he belongs at Oxford, and Lily doesn't want to fulfill the family legacy of attending Barnard. They are both trying to find happiness, both with themselves and each other. Friends from previous books make an appearance, as do some new friends. 

Will Dash and Lily survive the distance?