Saturday, June 24, 2017

Summer '17 Book 7

Finishing School: Book the Second: Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger

Picking up a little after the first one left off, the girls in the Debut class at Mademoiselle Geraldine's are taking their first round of tests. It's a skills test that covers the things they learned in the first six months of school. Sophronia scored the highest of anyone, ever. Because of this, she is shunned. At first, she thinks it is because her friends are truly hurt by her scores, but it turns out that they were told by one of the teachers to shun whoever scored the highest grade.

This shunning doesn't stop Sophronia from being a good friend, however. Dimity receives a letter from a young man at Bunson's that she has a little crush on, but when she sneaks out to meet him, it's not him at all. Sophronia snuck out as well to make sure her friend was ok, and saved Dimity from the trouble that could have arisen from the imposter.

This wasn't the only time trouble found Dimity. At an outing, Dimity and her brother, Pillover, were almost kidnapped, and later, were kidnapped from a coming out ball. What's up with that?

So much went on in this book. Some of the boys from Bunson came aboard the airship and had classes with the girls. There were some questionable vampire relations issues. And, of course, there was Monique's coming out ball. The best thing to come out of this book is that Monique will no longer be at school, though I suspect this isn't the last we've heard from her.

This is a neat series, and I can't wait to see what happens in the next one.

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