Thursday, March 7, 2019

TAYSHAS 2019 #15

I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika Sanchez

I can't believe it has been two weeks since I finished a book! Holy cow, that is so unlike me. To be fair, I have been busy with both my jobs, and my son came home for a visit, so reading has taken a backseat.

This one I put on hold a couple of months ago, and anxiously awaited being able to read it, as I had heard good things. Unfortunately, I didn't get as much time to read it as I wanted to, as the online library service I used did not notify me when the book was available and I lost a week. I finished with minutes to spare, and it was worth every minute I spent reading it.

Julia is fifteen and a junior in high school in Chicago. She speaks her mind, which often gets her into trouble. This was the case the day her older sister, Olga, died. Olga would not have had to ride the bus, had it not been for Julia getting into trouble at school and having to be picked up.

Julia's perception is that Olga was the perfect Mexican daughter. She didn't have much of a social life, she cooked and cleaned, and spent time with their parents. Julia is the opposite. She is very much wanting to get away from home, which is an environment that stifles her. Unfortunately, with her sister's death, more is expected of Julia.

On top of the things going on in her own life, Julia discovers some secrets about Olga. She feels like she needs to know more, but is having a hard time making headway, what with our privacy laws. Additionally, her mother continues to be hard on her, which leads to a breakdown.

Will Julia ever learn the secrets about her sainted sister, and will she ever get to just be who she is instead of who her mother wants her to be?

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